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International Women’s Day is marked every March. We are all for celebrating the achievements of historically marginalised groups, but this year’s IWD raised some questions.
Through our lens of ethical marketing, a lot of the comms and campaigns focused on the day felt like little more than virtue signalling and woke washing.
This was illustrated by the genius Twitter account Gender Pay Gap App which warns companies in its bio: “Employers, if you tweet about International Women’s Day, I’ll retweet your gender pay gap.”
You only need to give their tweets a quick glance to know that the patriarchy is alive and well. No matter how much women are celebrated, they will remain oppressed until the patriarchy is dismantled.
And of course, it goes beyond the construct of gender. What we’re dealing with is not a ‘female’ problem.
It’s a problem of centuries-old oppressive systems, which will only be broken through the efforts of each of us every day – not just on International Women’s Day.
As a team of volunteers, all with their own businesses and other commitments, our progress is often slower than we might like.
However, moving deliberately towards our goals at a sustainable pace is critically important to us. Productivity is often so patriarchal. There’s a glorification of ‘busy’ and checking boxes, while having people work harder and faster than is good for them (or their organisations).
We see progress differently. We consciously turn our backs on the idea of ‘hustle culture’.
In this spirit, we’ve just had our second asynchronous Culture Meeting, and it was beautiful! 🥳
We meet once a month, Monday-Friday, in a Slack thread within our #team-meeting channel. This format allows us to contribute to discussions as a team despite all being in different time zones and having different capacities and abilities. It’s been so good for us! (Who else is here is a bit Zoomed out?)
We want to be an organisation that is set up to reduce overwhelm and be a positive space for everyone who is part of it.
You will see more of this when we launch The Ethical Move Community 👏
Our team member Karen wrote an article on her website about whether or not it is ethical to do marketing in times of global crisis.
We believe that our role in this movement is to learn together and in the open. So before sharing this post, we talked about it in the team to make sure it is content that will serve you, and contribute positively to the discussion on ethical marketing.
Following conversations in the team, we decided to share it in our Medium publication. This might come a bit late, now that the crisis has moved to the sidelines of our feeds, but this is the work we do to be intentional.
Besides, Karen has the right of it when she states: “People have always suffered while you were doing marketing. Consider why this particular conflict is making you want to adjust your marketing.”, so this is always a good question to ask.
We welcome your thoughts and feedback around it!
read the post
I am making the ethical move because I believe in honest & transparent communication and will always put the person before the sale. I’m tired of the manipulative marketing tactics that I see – and have fallen for – and want to help spread the word that there is a better way to sell. By taking the pledge, I will be kept accountable for the way that I sell and market my business.– Leyla Alexander, www.leylaalexander.com
I believe in business as a force for good and marketing should support this in an ethical way. As a marketing professional, I want to change the tide so everyone knows marketing can be ethical, and is empowered to spot marketing that isn’t. Marketing can be good and trustworthy, and I want to see more of this. I pledge to be ethical in my own marketing too.– Sophie Badoux, www.communicationbysophie.com
Find more pledgee WHYs on our website:
*We share resources to broaden our horizons, deepen our knowledge of our industry, and learn how to market ethically. The ethical move team does not agree with every opinion, nor do we claim to have found the best resources on the subject. What support or resources would you like to see from us? Send a reply and tell us!
Follow us on LinkedIn, join us on Discord – and check out our Medium Publication!
If you have a great topic to explore in an article, please send us your submission. We need all perspectives to make this work for everyone.
As always, thank you for following our moves!
We are so glad you’re here with us.
Your team at TEM
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