the ethical move

Practicing joyful cultivation.

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Hello ethical movers!

If you read our last newsletter from 2022, you’ll know that our theme this year includes embracing joy, listening to our own rhythms (instead of external pressures), and cultivating what we’ve already created.

In a fast-moving world where productivity is the norm, going slow and identifying what brings us joy is not easy.

It requires taking action with real intention… And lots of reminders to stop. Take a break. Tune in to our feelings and what our bodies are telling us.

It’s something we’re all in the process of (re)learning.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on our progress.

In the meantime, we invite you to consider these questions:

  • How might you slow down in your day-to-day life?
  • Are you devoting time to recognizing what brings you joy? What can you do to lean into joy?

The ethical move news.

Nurturing The Ethical Move Community is our primary focus for the foreseeable future.

We’ve been reviewing the survey feedback we’ve collected from TEMC members at the end of last year in order to inform our work for 2023.

We’ve identified a few things we’d like to tend to this year…

1) Designing an “active learning experience” in the space.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to put what we’ve learned into practice. We’d like to bridge this gap between theory and implementation.

Firstly, we want to host more opportunities where members can learn how we can practice ethical marketing.

Then, we’ll continue to iterate on the community experience to help people take action. This might look like adding additional structures for support and accountability, adjusting our programming, or uncovering the possibilities of what we can achieve asynchronously.

TEMC is where we can support each other in working towards our pledge within our respective businesses. As a team, we will always examine how we can facilitate that as best we can.

2) Co-creating a public ethical marketing resource with our TEMC members.

We’re still working out the details, but we know that we want this to be a collaborative effort amongst our TEMC members. We envision creating a public resource that we can edit and evolve over time as we learn and grow, and as more people join and contribute their insights.

We truly believe that ethical marketing is a conversation. We’d like this project to be The Ethical Move’s contribution, as a collective, towards building a new marketing paradigm.

Side note: A bit last minute… we’re hosting a workshop tomorrow: How Capitalism Harms Business; And What We Can Do About It. Tickets are available for $25 CAD + booking fee. (It is free for TEMC members.)

get involved

Our blog.

Read our latest article, “3 ethical marketing myths we need to debunk, together,” written by TEM team member, Sabine Harnau.

She explores why ethical marketing isn’t about ticking off a checklist of do’s and don’ts in your business. “Real life is far too complex for that.” The work is done, not in isolation, but together, in conversation with each other.

our medium

Pledgee highlights.

I believe in non-coercive marketing, transparency and authentic business practices. We’re all human at the end of the day, so my business works with aligned partners who do good in this world.
— Bec Thexton,​
I am making a pledge to continue to sell ethically to reassure my clients that we will always be transparent and clear in the way we market and sell our business services.
– Mercedes Gale,

Find more pledgee WHYs on our website:

Our pledgees

What we’re reading right now.

  • The Scary Future Of Instagram dives into the psychology behind our Instagram habits as well as how the app is designed to get us to buy more stuff.
  • There are many situations in life when we might not know exactly what to say. Talking Points for Life could be a handy resource to bookmark for those times when you’re at a loss for words.
  • Design Declares: “a growing group of designers, design studios, agencies and institutions here to declare a climate and ecological emergency.” They invite designers of all stripes to join in their declaration.
  • Annika Hansteen-Izora on digital gardens and “their potential for moving us to create kinder, more fluid, and better generative online worlds.”
  • Is ChatGPT Use Of Web Content Fair? An article exploring the ethics around using web content as a data source for training generative AI.

*We share resources to broaden our horizons, deepen our knowledge of our industry, and learn how to market ethically. The ethical move team does not agree with every opinion, nor do we claim to have found the best resources on the subject. What support or resources would you like to see from us? Send a reply and tell us!

more resources

What we’re working on.

Our upcoming efforts have mostly been outlined above.

If you’re interested in joining The Ethical Move and have the capacity for volunteering – we’re still looking for help in the following roles:

Community host: hosting events and engaging our members in thought-provoking conversations – located in UTC-4 to UTC-8 time zones.

Virtual assistant: checking our inbox and social comments/DMs, working with ConvertKit, editing + uploading event recordings, making small changes to our WordPress website as needed.

We are always here for the conversation.

Follow us on LinkedInjoin us on Discord – and check out our Medium Publication!
If you have a great topic to explore in an article, please send us your submission. We need all perspectives to make this work for everyone.

As always, thank you for following our moves!

We are so glad you’re here with us.

Your team at TEM

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We will only use your email to send you newsletters for The Ethical Move. Read our privacy notice for more information.

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the ethical move