the ethical move

Launching The Ethical Move Community.

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Hello ethical movers!

We’re excited to be launching our community in just a few weeks!

We’ll finally have a chance to connect with others who are on a similar path and collectively create a new way to market.

Recently, Jeffrey and I were invited to speak in a savvy business community. It was an amazing experience to hold space for the bigness of what ethical marketing encompasses.

Especially this slide really helped put our minds at ease as we go into the work:

“We’re in this together

  • We began our journeys at different times
  • No need to shame ourselves or each other
  • We all reach the end together, no matter what
    (either we all win or none of us will)
  • The destination = Collective Liberation”

Our community will be a space for doing just that. Taking small steps, staying in the conversation and doing the work together.

We honestly can’t wait.

The ethical move news.

We are launching The Ethical Move Community on July 27th 2022!

We’ll have a launch party in the form of a multi-timezone Zoom hangout and would love it if you came to join us for a bit so we can get to know you!

A few facts about TEMC:

This is our last bit of information on the community in our newsletters, our next one will come out after launch day.

If you’d like to stay informed about TEMC, get on the waitlist!


join the waitlist<

get involved

Our blog.


"The tech world has normalized the expectation that most things online should be free." with TEM logo, 'online should be free' highlighted with yellow marker

Jeffrey Shiau, our newest team member, has written a brilliant article on our beliefs about the real cost of labour on the internet and why we’re charging for TEMC.

It is called “Let’s move towards a world where all work is recognized and valued“, and you can find it on our blog, or on Medium in a couple of days.

our medium

Pledgee highlights.

I want to market my business and help others to market theirs in a way that treats our audience like people & sees value in everyone in our audience (regardless of whether or not they ever buy from or hire us).
– Bev Feldman,
We are making the ethical move because we want to offer an alternative to the way that magazines are manufactured, this is a big problem and it is aimed at our younger generations!
– Clare Carney,

Find more pledgee WHYs on our website:

Our pledgees

What we’re reading right now.

*We share resources to broaden our horizons, deepen our knowledge of our industry, and learn how to market ethically. The ethical move team does not agree with every opinion, nor do we claim to have found the best resources on the subject. What support or resources would you like to see from us? Send a reply and tell us!

more resources

What we’re working on.

Launching, launching, launching! We’ve been thinking about nothing else, to be honest. It’s been pure joy to watch our event plan come together and the rituals we’re putting in place.

We’re also going to open up a few more positions on the team to create a structure that supports the work without overwhelming our team members.

Stay tuned!

We are always here for the conversation.

Follow us on LinkedInjoin us on Discord – and check out our Medium Publication!
If you have a great topic to explore in an article, please send us your submission. We need all perspectives to make this work for everyone.

As always, thank you for following our moves!

We are so glad you’re here with us.

Your team at TEM

Follow our moves.

We will only use your email to send you newsletters for The Ethical Move. Read our privacy notice for more information.

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the ethical move