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Over the past year, our team has grown and shifted. As a result, our work has both deepened and accelerated.
In our most recent meeting, we looked back. We celebrated the fact that over 340 people have chosen to take the ethical move pledge. We celebrated our new website, new processes and systems, and even our new privacy and cookie policy.
We also celebrated each one of you! 🎉 Thank you for being here with us, for reading and sharing our content, and for being part of the conversation.
Over the next month, members of our team are taking some time to rest, work on our own businesses, and get ready to return to our ethical move work in September.
You’ll see a bit less content coming from us, but we will be back soon! 🏖
When the world shouts “hurry up, be faster!”, we say: “no, thank you”. Because we believe in doing things differently.
We believe in building things to last. We believe in thinking before acting. We believe in growing sustainably.
This is what is happening right now as we do the foundational work for ‘The Ethical Move Community’. We are having conversations about how we will communicate within the membership, what our guiding principles will be and how conversations will be facilitated.
We would love to understand what YOU would like from the community. Please tell us by replying to this email or contacting us via social media.
email us
Inspired by saying “no” to the glorification of busy, Karen has written an article called Switching Off As a Radical Act.
While digital tools have allowed our intercontinental team to work effectively, we know that too much screen time benefits nobody. Despite this knowledge, many of us remain glued to screen – especially those of us who are business owners.
The oppressive systems in which we operate tell us there’s not enough for everyone.
That if we’re not quick enough our opportunities will be taken from us. That resting – taking our eye off the digital ball – will cause us harm. But in the process, are we losing our connection with ourselves and our wellbeing?
As our team take a short break, we’d like to hear from you: how do you prioritise your digital wellbeing?
I am making the ethical move because too much stuff is sold that does not make anybody happy.– Moritz Orendt, moritzorendt.com
We’re tired of customers being treated poorly. Dark patterns are everywhere and the status quo rewards businesses that go after the quick wins instead of the right wins. We believe the ethical move isn’t just the right thing to do, there are strong benefits to operating an ethical business.– Dave Smyth, scruples.studio
Find more pledgee WHYs on our website:
Editing with OCD, or anxiety in general, a helpful read on how to not letting our stress own us and using anxiety as a strength.
The Digital Wellness Institute have some amazing resources for digital wellness and self care – this Digital Wellness Bingo is one of them: DigitalWellnessBingo.pdf
more resources
*We share resources to broaden our horizons, deepen our knowledge of our industry, and learn how to market ethically. The ethical move team does not agree with every opinion, nor do we claim to have found the best resources on the subject. What support or resources would you like to see from us? Hit reply and tell us!
In August, we are prioritising our digital wellbeing. We look forward to returning to you in September with renewed vigour and fresh inspiration to continue our work alongside you.
Follow us on LinkedIn, join us on Discord – and check out our Medium Publication!
If you have a great topic to explore in an article, please send us your submission. We need all perspectives to make this work for everyone.
As always, thank you for following our moves!
We are so glad you’re here with us.
Your team at TEM
We will only use your email to send you newsletters for The Ethical Move. Read our privacy notice for more information.
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