the ethical move


Julie Ray | Julie Ray Creative

August 26, 2024

My business is focused on design for social justice and the ethical move pledge aligns completely with my company's values.

Jason Conway | The Daydream Academy

August 23, 2024

I pride myself on being an ethical creative and that's why I've pledged.

Maria Ayala | Networking | Agencia Creativa Digital

August 21, 2024

Te comparto nuestra filosofía empresarial: Filosofía empresarial Optamos por alejarnos de la inmediatez, y esta mentalidad guía todas nuestras acciones, reflejando nuestro compromiso con la excelencia, la responsabilidad y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo con nuestros clientes. Con nuestros clientes: Simplificamos la toma de decisiones para los clientes, mejorando su experiencia y fomentando la fidelidad. Con el planeta: Implementamos caminos claros para los visitantes en todo nuestro ecosistema digital, contribuyendo así activamente a la sostenibilidad del planeta en la reducción de huella de carbono. Con las empresas: Abrazamos el minimalismo ayudando así a las empresas a destacarse en un mundo saturado de información, facilitando el camino para establecer asociaciones sólidas y significativas con sus clientes.

Gianfranco Fagotto | Gianfranco Fagotto

August 20, 2024

I am making the ethical move because I believe that ethical marketing is essential for building genuine, lasting relationships with customers. In a world where manipulative tactics and deceptive practices are all too common and shameless at times, it’s crucial to prioritise honesty, transparency, and respect. By committing to this pledge, I want to promote a culture of integrity within the marketplace, where the well-being of individuals comes before profits. I want to be part of a movement that challenges the conventional approach to selling, fostering trust and empowering consumers to make informed choices. It’s not just about doing business; it’s about doing what’s right for the greater good. By adhering to these principles, I hope to contribute to a more ethical and responsible marketing landscape, one where every interaction is rooted in fairness and respect.

Amy Hill | Koru Films

August 19, 2024

As a freelance filmmaker dedicated to serving the third sector, my mission is to create impactful films for charities and nonprofits while maintaining the highest ethical standards. By taking this pledge, I commit to transparency in my pricing, honesty in my business practices, and a firm stance against manipulative tactics and mass consumerism. My goal is to support organisations that make a difference without compromising ethical values.

Laetitia Monier Piacentini | LM & Co.

August 17, 2024

I want to be part of companies that think about people before profit. I want to have an honest relationship with my customers and consumers and offer honest services and design products that respect the planet without encouraging over-consumption.

Natalie Meszaros |

August 16, 2024

I am making the ethical move because, as a new copywriter, I have been really troubled with many of the marketing techniques that I have been told are 'best practice'. I have desperately wanted to believe there is a better way, and I've found it here with The Ethical Move. This resonates so deeply with me and I want to be part of the change through the copy I write, and the way I conduct my business.

Teresa Villegas | Teresa Villegas Design Studio

August 15, 2024

I'm making the ethical pledge because the rampant pressure and deception used in the marketing world is based greed. In the face of the climate crisis we have been experiencing, the greenwashing, purpose washing etc. is increasing and happening now more than ever. “What we take, how and what we make, what we waste, is in fact a question of ethics.” ― Yvon Chouinard, Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman

Lyda Michopoulou | Unwrapped Evolutions

August 14, 2024

Unwrapped Evolutions is taking the Ethical Move pledge because one of our values is Cultivating radical honesty. I believe in being radically honest and letting it guide my interactions with others. I honor my agency and yours and will never lie to cheat myself or others out of a situation. I will never be less honest to please others.

Dez Stephens | Radiant Health Institute

August 9, 2024

Accessibility and affordability are at the forefront of our values.

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the ethical move