the ethical move

Karin Stobbe | Holistic Therapy.

Change begins with ourselves. I try do to the best I can for the people in my (work) live and other areas in the world. Every living creature has the right to live a fulfilled life and be happy. And I do what I can, even though another person might think it is waste of time and money. I do what every I can. Often I hear that I can not change everything so “why bother?” I bother, because when everyone would “not bother” the world will never be equal for all. Never treat a living creature as if they are a “thing”, as if money is more important. There is enough in this world for everyone. The problem is that the very rich, the rich and the (above) average earners are so afraid to have a little less than before, that sharing for many of them is a big No No. So sad…

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the ethical move