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This International Women’s Day we are celebrating the fact that we are a team who, in the words of Sabine, are “female by chance and feminist by choice”. Since marketing is predominantly influenced by white/cis/hetero/male opinions, it’s truly remarkable to be part of a high-caliber marketing sisterhood, to learn and grow together as we flip tables all around us.
Reflecting on the IWD theme ‘Choose to Challenge’, we of course recognise the need for our feminism to be intersectional if it is to make the difference we are hoping to create. We would love to hear of any resources you have found helpful on the topic of intersectional feminism for us to add to our resources section
Our new website is live!
We were so happy to go live with our new website, as the team has been working hard to make it happen! Our (super talented and uber patient) web dev expert Maria Arango Kure is the driving force and creator of our new home online.
We moved from Squarespace to WordPress because we are working on becoming more accessible and eco-conscious, and we want to be able to translate our website into different languages.
We’ve made some visible improvements (for example our ‘news’ page you can view here, as well as some from behind the scenes, such as switching to a green hosting company called Green Geeks.
Following growth in our team, we now also have a separate page to introduce you to the people behind the ethical move with job titles so you know what we’re each up to.
Do you follow us on Medium? We have two new posts to share with you this month.
Marketing strategist Anyo Green shared her thoughts in this article about identifying reverse racism in entrepreneurship, and head of marketing Karen Webber wrote about Ignoring the rules of the marketing trade, which originated in our decision to no longer be active on Twitter.
We’ve always felt uncomfortable with pushy traditional marketing. It has never been something we wanted to associate with our business. We’re taking the ethical move pledge as a commitment -never to manipulate or pressure anyone into working with us, and to be open and honest about how we work.
– Helen Bee, b-double-e.co.uk
I have seen and experienced too much harm done through manipulative marketing and sales tactics – especially in industries that in theory exist to help people. I dream of a world where creators, innovators, entrepreneurs are well paid for what they create, and don’t rely on manipulation or false scarcity to make a living. Where making a living is a reality for everyone, and we can close the gap between the haves and the have nots, the creators and the consumers.
– Chelsea Quint, chelseaquint.com
Find more pledgee WHYs on our website.
The Feminist Principles of the Internet are a series of statements that offer a gender and sexual rights lens on critical internet-related rights.
Future Learn is offering a brilliant course, ‘Design a Feminist Chatbot‘ that’s free to take, as long as you do it within 6 weeks.
*We share resources to broaden our horizons, deepen our knowledge of our industry, and learn how to market ethically. The ethical move team does not agree with every opinion, nor do we claim to have found the best resources on the subject. What support or resources would you like to see from us? Hit reply and tell us!
With our new website live and our team complete, we have started to rework our pledge. We have come to realize that the secret recipe pledge needs more depth, so we are going to provide more ethical ‘flips’ – which is what we’re calling the alternatives that we suggest for each tactic to make the ethical move.
We also plan to add ‘shaming’ to the list, and would love to hear your examples of where this tactic is deployed in marketing. The high pressure sales tactic of “not being committed to transformation” if you’re not willing to go into debt is just one of the items on that list we are NOT ok with.
Our goal with the ethical move is not to pretend that we have all the answers, but to actively invite and encourage conversation about the topic of ethical marketing. Please get involved by sharing your experiences and opinions on social media, and tagging us in those conversations!
Follow us on LinkedIn, join us on Discord – and check out our Medium Publication!
If you have a great topic to explore in an article, please send us your submission. We need all perspectives to make this work for everyone.
As always, thank you for following our moves!
We are so glad you’re here with us.
Your team at TEM
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